
Vías Administración y Logística S. A de C.V. exploits, operates, preserves, and maintains road infrastructure to ensure our clients' satisfaction through a rigorous, transparent, efficient, and sustainable process; with a qualified team, committed and experienced in infrastructure projects, with technological resources and consolidated processes.
To maintain ourselves as a reference in the sector based on proven experience in the exploitation, operation, conservation, and maintenance of land infrastructure, throughout the life of the concession, through qualified and committed personnel and continuous innovation in technology and processes in Mexico.
Quality Policy
Vías Administración y Logística, S. A. de C.V., is committed to providing exploitation, operation, conservation, and maintenance services for road infrastructure agreed with the client, which comply with quality requirements and continuously improve the effectiveness of the quality management system based on the ISO 9001:2015 Standard.
It is periodically reviewed to maintain its alignment with its purpose, context, the organization's objectives, continuous improvement, and to support its strategic direction.
This policy is communicated to all levels of the organization.
Health and Safety Policy
Vías Administración y Logística, S. A. de C.V. ("VIAL"), ensures the Health, Safety, and well-being of its own workers, contractors' workers, and interested parties that may be affected by the company's work related to its activity, which is the exploitation, operation, conservation, and maintenance of road infrastructure. VIAL is firmly committed to: providing safe and healthy working conditions for the prevention of injuries and health deterioration; complying with legal and other requirements; eliminating hazards and reducing risks to safety and health; and continuously improving the OHS management system based on the ISO 45001:2018 Standard.
Objectives are established considering identified occupational risks, legal and other requirements, available resources, and considering the expectations of interested parties.
We are committed to promoting consultation and participation of workers in hazard identification, risk assessment, opportunities, incident investigation, and determination of controls.
The Health and Safety Policy is periodically reviewed to maintain its alignment with its purpose, context, objectives, continuous improvement, support strategic direction, communicate it to all levels of the organization, and make it available to interested parties.
Download Health and Safety Policy
Road Safety Policy
Vías Administración y Logística, S. A. de C.V. ("VIAL"), maintains Road Safety practices for the benefit of its workers, users, and other interested parties that may be affected by the company's activities: the exploitation, operation, conservation, and maintenance of road infrastructure. VIAL is committed to providing safe road conditions for the prevention of accidents resulting in deaths and serious injuries; complying with legal requirements; reducing risks for the benefit of road safety; raising awareness among both internal staff and contractors about their responsibilities with road safety and the continuous improvement of the Road Safety management system based on the ISO 39001:2012 Standard.
Objectives are established based on identified road risks, legal requirements among others, available resources, and considering the expectations of interested parties.
The Road Safety Policy is periodically reviewed to maintain its alignment with its purpose, context, objectives, continuous improvement, support strategic direction, communicate it to all levels of the organization, and make it available to interested parties.