

At CAMS, we are committed to community development, value creation, and environmental care. We always act following ethical principles, responsibly, and seeking ways to be sustainable in the long term.

Our sustainability strategy is aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals, and is based on five vectors:

Responsable culture

Good governance and compliance

Commited Professionals

Progress of citizenship

Environmental care

This strategy translates into real actions that positively affect the social development of communities. At CAMS, we have especially focused on activities that promote environmental care and commitment to people.

Environmental care

Through strategic alliances, we have carried out campaigns and activities that have generated a positive impact on the environment.

Since 2020, we have conducted various volunteer days to clean the riverbed of the Santa Catarina River.

In recent years, this river has experienced a significant problem of accumulation of waste, plastics, and debris. A situation that, beyond greatly affecting the biodiversity of the area, also poses a public health risk.

In the last intervention, carried out at the beginning of 2024, 300 volunteers from different organizations collected almost 2 tons of waste over 22,000 m² of intervention area.

We have also carried out reforestation in different areas of the region, including along the margins of the highway.

In particular, during the construction period of the Santa Catarina Viaduct, between February 2020 and January 2023, 115,000 m² were reforested as part of a program aimed at conserving and protecting the flora and fauna of the Santa Catarina River.

At the end of 2023, CAMS joined forces with different allies such as CPKC, Even Group and the Rotary club who, together with the Profauna association, promoted an environmental and social initiative called “Monarch Connection”. 

This program's main objective is the preservation of the monarch butterfly, one of the most emblematic species in North America, during its migratory journey from the United States and Canada to central Mexico. 

One of the main activities of this program has been to plant a living barrier on the margins of our highway, so that these butterflies elevate their flight when they reach it, thus avoiding impact with the vehicles that are circulating. 

Under this initiative, we have also deployed social activities focused mainly on the recovery and conditioning of schools, such as the Miguel Alemán primary school in the town of Rinconada or the secondary school located in the “Los Fierros” ejido.

For CAMS, the safety of our workers and users is our priority. Therefore, we carry out numerous training activities through collaborators, as well as community development initiatives and road safety campaigns.


Volunteer Days

Campaign against drowsy driving

Business ethics and good governance

Governance is an essential pillar in corporate responsibility. That's why, at CAMS, we are taking steps to become increasingly transparent and continue demonstrating that we are trustworthy.


Since 2023, we have been featured in the Responsible Companies ranking by Expansión, one of the major benchmarks in sustainability for companies in the country.